
Erin Chung

Story Artist

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"Drake the Thunderstorm" (Drama/Action)

‘Tommy’ aka ‘Drake’ awakens his inner dragon in the midst of confusion.
*In Speakerdeck, Click arrows at bottom left, or press ⭠/ ⭢ on your keyboard to navigate the storyboard!

Thumbnails (click to view)

Scene Studies

Click an arrow on the right to navigate or click & drag the slideshow. Click an image to zoom in

"Valorant - The Sacred Land" (Action Animatic)

From Riot Games’ Valorant, the agents (Sage, Jett & Phoenix) are on a volunteer mission to protect the land of Diné (Navajo).

"The Bunnies and the Tiger" (Action)

A squad of rabbit warriors is chased by a giant tiger.

"Chiro Man" (Comedy)

When animators sit for too long, Chiro Man can help them in every production everywhere!!

"My Child Is In Prison" (Drama)

A nun seeks to save an orphan in a prison, but her effort is long overdue.

"A Deer's Antler" (Fantasy/ Healing)

The deer beings discover a man buried in snow and his ill wife at home…

"vOx" (Comic Strips)

*Click “<>” at the bottom or press arrow keys to flip pages. Toggle full screen button on bottom right corner.

"Bunny Nations" (Narrative Illustration)

Character Designs